• Main Concept

    World Praying Together is a very special website.

    1. It brings those who believe in the Great Creative Force (God) together. It is a great encouragement for our World at this particular point in time. The goal is to bring us into one kind of consciousness – as much as possible. World Praying Together hopes and trusts in people. It gives people the opportunity to Pray, Meditate at the same moment in time. There are two different Hemispheres that divide the world’s time zones. These are the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. These have approximately 13 time zones each; (can continually vary). So although there might be 26 time zones, but there are only two prayer times. One prayer time for each Hemisphere.
    2. Allows people to list prayers and pray each other’s prayers.
    3. Encourages people towards the Creator.

    Pray for at least a minute together. The idea of World Praying Together, is for all Christians around the world to pray together at the same time. Christians are interceeding for eachother in prayer. Everyone is praying for each other. They are also praying for themselves and everything else. People in the Eastern Hemisphere pray at one time together. People in the Western Hemisphere pray at another time. There are many prayer times in each Hemisphere. But everyone in that Hemisphere prays at the same moment of time. You pray in normal daytime, when you are normally awake. Everyone prays at different times. But there are only two exact moments in time when everyone prays. You do this by looking up your time zone and relating that to London Winter Time. How exciting!!

    World Praying Together exists to encourage christians everywhere in the world. We exist so christians everywhere can pray together at the same time. This is to combine the power of christians praying together. In a world that is hostile to the Gospel, World Praying Together brings christians together in prayer. Christians can use this as a weapon to fight back, by praying together. We hope that World Praying Together encourages you in Christ. We want to see Christians grow in the Lord as a result of all meeting together in prayer. Think of it as the worlds biggest church meeting. The goal is Hebrews 10:24-25:

    “Let us consider how we can stir eachother up to love and good works, not neglecting meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more as we see the day of the Lord drawing near”. [multiple version quote.]

    • “One world, two prayer times”
    • “Pray hard, pray often”
    • “Pray well, pray in your cell”
    • “A prayer warrior, is a normal person like me”
    • “Many nations, 1 true God”
    • “Christians united in prayer”

    World Praying Together has expansion plans. God willing, we will be:

    1. Placing a Prayer Stamp on the Front Page. This will tell you what time is prayer time in your city.
      You will also be able to ask what is prayer time for another city or region.
    2. Have prayers translated into different languages.
    3. Downloadable PDF of prayers.
    4. Subsciption list email. This will be selectable for frequency of transmittion and also amount of prayers.
    5. World Praying Together Mobile Phone App. This will have many functions.
    6. Being able to pray with others while on the Website.
    7. Fully functionalise the Facebook of World Praying Together.
    8. Fully run Twitter.
    9. Fully Run Linked In.
    10. Snapchat.

    World Praying Together stands against the Anti-christ. These are the last days.


  • Copyright © 2021 World Praying Together Contact Us World Praying Together is an Independent Religious Entity